Tackling your carbon footprint with WFN and IPÊ
Text From WFN
For many people, a love of nature and a passion for its conservation has been inspired by visiting a wild place. However, those of us with the capacity to travel, at an individual or corporate level, are under increasing pressure to consider our carbon footprint.
In the past few years the concept of ‘carbon-offsetting’ has evolved, and there are now a broad spectrum of ways to counteract the environmental impact of the decisions we make.
Following encouragement from our partners and donors, we have developed an tree planting scheme with Brazilian NGO, IPÊ (the Institute of Ecological Research), the organizational backbone of 3 Whitley Award winners.
Whilst this is an informal scheme, it offers an opportunity to directly funnel your donations into a Whitley Award winning reforestation project which is growing a carbon store and building local livelihood capacity.
We will be working specifically with Laury Cullen, Research Coordinator for IPÊ, who is championing a reforestation initiative in the Brazilian Atlantic forest.
Supported by his 2002 Whitley Award, Laury project-managed Brazil’s largest reforested corridor (1,800 ha), connecting two protected primary forest habitats, bringing the black lion tamarin back from the brink of extinction. This most charismatic little monkey has suffered greatly from habitat fragmentation, leading to in-breeding and genetic weakening of the species. Laury is now scaling up his approach, developing more forest corridors, connecting vital Atlantic forest fragments for the black lion tamarin and other threatened animals including jaguars and tapirs.
Laury works with local landowners who grow and sell seedlings, while trained local forestry teams plant and manage the reforested areas. His project is creating significant livelihood opportunities among landowners and in local communities.
By supporting tree planting with WFN and IPÊ you are supporting proven grassroots conservation; driving resilience and bringing about positive change for people and wildlife.
- Drop us an email at [email protected] with the flight miles for your trip.
- We’ll calculate the number of trees required using this calculator platform, and let you know the cost.
- If you decide to go ahead, we’ll send you a donation link.
- On receipt of the donation we’ll write to you personally, detailing the number of trees you’ve planted with some more information about the project you’ve supported.