Nossa ciência é aplicada e muito do que fazemos pode ser encontrado também em artigos científicos em diversas revistas e sites. Acesse os artigos mais recentes abaixo, com a participação e autoria dos pesquisadores do IPÊ e também na página do Research Gate.
Voluntary Preservation on Private Land in Brazil: Characterisation and assessment of the effectiveness of managing private reserves of natural heritage.
Angela Pellin, Victor Eduardo Lima Ranieri.
Brazilian Geographical Journal.
Land Use Policy: Sustainability and Land tenure: who owns the floodplain in the Pantanal, Brazil?
Rafael Morais Chiaravallotia, Katherine Homewooda, Kirsten Eriksonb.
Overfishing or Over Reacting? Management of Fisheries in the Pantanal Wetland, Brazil. Rafael Moraes Chiaravalotti
Revista Conservation and Society.
Pelage Variation and Distribution of the Black Lion Tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysopygus
Garbino G.S.T., Rezende G.C, Valladares-Padua C.
Revista Folia Primatologica
Combining Econegotiations and Threat Reduction Assessments to estimate success of conservation: lessons learned in the black-faced lion tamarin conservation program.
Alexandre Túlio Amaral Nascimento, Camila Nali, Lucia Schmidlin, Rosângela Marques, Maria Rodeano, Suzana M. Padua, Claudio B. Valladares-Padua, Fabiana Prado.
Natureza & Conservação.
Mapping Conservation Strategies under a Changing Climate
R. Travis Belote, Matthew S. Dietz, Peter S. Mckinley, Anne A. Carlson, Carlos Carroll, Clinton N. Jenkins, Dean L. Urban, Timothy J. Fullman, Jason C. Leppi, e Gregory H. Aplet.
Wild, connected, and diverse: building a more resilient system of protected areas.
R. Travis Belote, Matthew S. Dietz, Clinton N. Jenkins, Peter S. McKinley, G. Hugh Irwin, Timothy J. Fullman, Jason C. Leppi, Gregory H. Aplet.
Ecological Applications
Global and regional priorities for marine biodiversity protection
CN Jenkins, KS Van Houtan
Biological Conservation 204, 333-339
Research Gate
The impacts of oil palm on recent deforestation and biodiversity loss
V Vijay, SL Pimm, CN Jenkins, SJ Smith
PLoS One 11 (7), e0159668
Palm oil is everywhere–but where did it come from?
V Vijay, SL Pimm, CN Jenkins, SJ Smith, E Conlisk
Incorporating explicit geospatial data shows more species at risk of extinction than the current Red List
N Ocampo-Peñuela, CN Jenkins, V Vijay, BV Li, SL Pimm
Science Advances 2 (11), e1601367
Remotely sensed data informs Red List evaluations and conservation priorities in Southeast Asia
BV Li, AC Hughes, CN Jenkins, N Ocampo-Peñuela, SL Pimm
PloS one 11 (8), e0160566
Can Scat Analysis Describe the Feeding Habits of Big Cats? A Case Study with Jaguars (Panthera onca) in Southern Pantanal, Brazil.
Perilli, M. L. L., Lima, F., Rodrigues, F. H. G., & Cavalcanti, S. M. C. (2016).
PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0151814.
A biodiversity hotspot losing its top predator: The challenge of jaguar conservation in the Atlantic Forest of South America.
Paviolo, A., De Angelo, C., Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B., Morato, R. G., Martinez Pardo, J., Srbek-Araujo, A. C., … Azevedo, F. (2016).
Scientific Reports, 6(October), 37147. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep37147
Space Use and Movement of a Neotropical Top Predator : The Endangered Jaguar.
Morato, R. G., Stabach, J. A., Fleming, C. H., Calabrese, J. M., Paula, C. De, Ferraz, M. P. M., … Leimgruber, P. (2016).
PloS One, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0168176
Implications of Fine-Grained Habitat Fragmentation and Road Mortality for Jaguar Conservation in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil.
Cullen, L., Stanton, J. C., Lima, F., Uezu, A., Perilli, M. L. L., & Akçakaya, H. R. (2016).
PLOS ONE, 11(12), e0167372. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167372