Onde Estamos
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
Biologist graduated from the Institute of Biosciences / USP, Master and Doctor in Ecology from the same university. His research focuses on landscape ecology, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, and prioritization of areas for conservation and restoration. He has published more than 30 articles in national and international vehicles. Reviewer of several international scientific journals and, in 2008, his article was among the 50 most cited in Biological Conservation Magazine. He is a permanent professor at ESCAS and has taught dozens of courses on Geographic Information Systems and Landscape Ecology to more than 600 students, professionals in conservation biology.
Biologist and teacher trained in Environmental Sciences at the University of São Francisco (São Paulo State) and holds an MBA in Management and Social Empowerment from Fundação Instituto de Administração. She has worked in IPÊ since 1998 and has dedicated herself to issues related to institutional development. She coordinates the Sustainable Business Unit with support from Fundação Avina and manages strategic partnerships with the private sector. These increase the visibility of the Institute and promote the creation, development and commercialization of products and services leading to alternative income in communities where IPÊ has a presence.
Biologist from UFPR, Specialist in Conservation Biology from UEMS and PhD in Environmental Engineering from USP. She concentrates her professional experiences and academic productions mainly focused on protected areas, management of protected areas and tools of environmental management.
Claudio has a Master's Degree in Latin-American Studies and a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Florida (USA). He is a retired professor of the University of Brasilia. Today, Claudio is rector of ESCAS and Vice-President of IPÊ. He is also a senior associate of the Center for Environmental Research and Conservation of Columbia University and international director for conservation of the Wildlife Trust Alliance (USA). He is now advisor to FUNBIO and WWF-Brazil. He has received several awards, including: the Latin American Social Empowerment Award (2010) and the Brazil Social Empowerment Award (2009). In 2002, together with Suzana Pádua, he was considered by Time Magazine as "Hero for the Planet" for his actions in biodiversity conservation. Between 1997 and 2007 he received three national and three international conservation awards. He has published two books and more than thirty research and popular articles in national and international journals.
Christiana graduated in 1987 from UFRuRJ. She has a Master's Degree and Ph.D. in Ecology from Unicamp and a specialization in Wildlife Management from the Smithsonian Institution. She has worked in IPÊ since its creation in 1992 with threatened species management and animal behavior. Christiana now coordinates the Professional Master's Degree Program in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development.
(Sem Informações)
Eduardo is an Agronomy Engineer graduate of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", has Master's Degree in Environmental Science from the University of São Paulo and a Ph.D. in Environmental Research from Imperial College London. He has been part of IPÊ since 1992 and participates in various initiatives related to research and conservation in the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon, focusing on ecosystems services and carbon sequestration projects. He is author of the book "Forest Fragments of the Pontal do Paranapanema". He is a fellow of several organizations, including: Lead – Leadership Program for Environment and Development, the Russel E. Train Education for Nature Program and the Alcoa Foundation's Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program. Since 2008 he has been executive director of IPÊ and content manager for Arvorar Forestry Solutions.
Biologist, Master in Biological Sciences - Zoology, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP. She focuses researches on protected area management, biodiversity monitoring and community involvement.
Graduated in Social Communication from FAAP - Fundação Armando Alvarez Penteado and graduated in Business Administration from FAAT - Faculdades Atibaia. He has been involved in IPÊ since 1995. In 2000 took part of start of IPÊ activities in the lower Rio Negro as financial coordinator of projects with funds from FNMA - National Environmental Fund, PCE - Ecological Corridors Project, USAID Brazil, ARPA - Protected Areas of the Amazon and a training initiative for public managers of protected areas in Amazon. Since 2009 he has been the administrative and financial coordinator of ESCAS.
José holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability from the Federal University of Amazonas. He has worked in IPÊ since 1995, when he participated in "Agenda Conhecer" (Agenda Understanding), an IPÊ initiative in Nazaré Paulista to redefine sustainable development alternatives in the region. In 2000, he began his work with IPÊ in the lower Rio Negro, Amazonas State, where he remained until 2008. Here, IPÊ maintains technical cooperation with federal, state and municipal entities to support the management of the region's conservation units. Today José coordinates the Brazilian Center for Conservation Biology.
Laury is a Forestry Engineer graduate of Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz. He has a Master's Degree in Conservation Biology from the University of Florida (USA) and a Ph.D. from the University of Kent (UK). He has concentrated his research in large mammal ecology, conservation and restoration of fragmented landscapes and in community empowerment. He has published more than forty articles in national and international publications. He is an Ashoka fellow for social empowerment and has received several awards, including the Whitley Gold Award (2002) from England's Princess Anne, a prize considered the Oscar for conservation.
Maria is a graduate of Unesp de Assis-SP, has a Master's Degree in Environmental Education from USP de São Carlos and a specialization in Conservation Biology from Columbia University (USA). She has coordinated IPÊ's Environmental Education program since 1992. She has developed education programs for conservation, protection and valuing of protected natural areas and local biodiversity. The socio-educational programs that she coordinates are directed to continuous training of teachers, school principals and education administrators, as well as students, women in settlement communities, decision makers and local communities. For three years, she has integrated and trained youths from urban areas and agrarian reform settlements in education and socio-environmental sustainability. She is author of several articles published in Brazil and abroad and of Environmental Education teaching materials.
Patrícia is a forestry engineer with an undergraduate degree from Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", a Master's Degree in Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, and a Ph.D. in Biodiversity Management from the Durrell Institute for Conservation and Ecology of Kent University (UK). She develops research and conservation programs with the Brazilian tapir in the Atlantic Forest and the Pantanal. Patrícia has been president of the IUCN/SSC Tapir Specialist Group since 2000 and a member of the Brazilian network of the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group since 2004 and is a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. She has received three international awards, including the Harry Messel Conservation Leadership Award from Species Survival Commission in 2004, the Golden Ark Award from the Golden Ark Foundation in the Netherlands in 2008, and the Whitley Award from the Whitley Fund for Nature (UK) in 2008.
A journalist from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, with a specialization in Environment and Society from FESP / SP and an MBA in Corporate Communication from Aberje / SP. She has experience in media vehicles such as TV Cultura, Companhia de Notícias, Jornal da Jornal da Grande ABC and Notícias Populares, and in institutional communication for NGOs. She has been working at IPÊ since 2003 and coordinating the communication department since 2011.
Suzana Machado Padua holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development from the University of Brasilia and a Master's Degree in Environmental Education from the University of Florida. She began working with Environmental Education in 1988, when she founded and coordinated a program in the Morro do Diabo State Park of the Pontal do Paranapanema for three years. She has undertaken research in Environmental Education and published several works in Brazil and abroad. Suzana administers courses in Environmental Education for teachers and professionals in Brazil and abroad. She is an active member of Wildlife Trust Alliance in Brazil, an Ashoka fellow, an Avina leader and a representative of the IUCN Education and Communication Commission for South America. Suzana helped found the Brazilian Center for Conservation Biology (CBBC), which offers courses in various socio-environmental fields, many in partnership with Brazilian and international agencies. Suzana contributes to courses for ESCAS; She has received several national and international awards, including the Latin American Social Empowerment Award (2010) and Brazilian Social Empowerment Award (2009), the Tenth Global Citizenship Award (2007), the Sede Nacional Bahá'í do Brasil Award, the Ford Motor Company Environmental Conservation Award (2006), the Forbes Most Influential Women of Brazil Award, Jornal do Brasil e Gazeta Mercantil Award (2005), Claudia Magazine Award (2002), and the Conde Nast Traveler
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
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