Onde Estamos
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
The Sustainable Landscapes in Pantanal project began in 2020, a partnership between IPÊ – Institute for Ecological Research, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), Ecoa – Ecology and Action, and Embrapa Pantanal.
The work for the conservation of the lowland tapir began in the Atlantic Forest and expanded to the Pantanal and Cerrado in Mato Grosso do Sul. More than 20 years of work have resulted in the most complete and detailed database, which is fundamental to plan actions for the conservation of the species.
Given the large number of records of tapirs within the urban perimeter of Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, this research of INCAB’s Urban Tapir Project arises with the objective of monitoring the animals that frequent the city and evaluating the impact of potential anthropic threats to the species.
The giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) is the largest of all existing armadillo species. Its size can reach one and a half meters in length (from snout to tail) and more than 50 kilos. Even with this size and wide distribution throughout almost all of South America, it is a little known species. Since 2010, the Canastra Armadillo project (carried out by IPÊ and The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland)seeks to raise more information about this species, its behavior and natural history, for its protection.
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
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