Onde Estamos
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
One of IPÊ’s concerns has always been the transfer of knowledge acquired throughout its existence through scientific research and socio-environmental work. To this end, it promotes the training of people for sustainable development through short courses, Master’s degrees, and MBAs.
Access: www.escas.org.br
Statement from a student of the 2011 Nursery and Seedling Course
“The course exceeded my expectations. I got a good use of it. Techniques were presented that were never studied in the classroom, but were acquired on a daily basis in the field. This shows that practice is fundamental”. (Daniela de Almeida Menezes)
Statement from a student of the 2011 Nursery and Seedling Course
“I was pleased with the entire course menu, the practices that involved the participants, and the goal of exemplifying sustainable methods were very clear. I am sure that I will apply many of these methods in the nursery where I work. I was also satisfied with the team, the structure of IPÊ, and the reception of all employees”. (Gabriela da Silva Matias)
Statement from a student of the UC Management Course held in Cuiabá
“Tiredness aside, the course was wonderful. I confess that, before the course, like every good biologist, I felt a certain phobia about the terms ‘social’, ‘community’, ‘participatory’, but the lecturers convinced me about the importance of the insertion of the community for a good UC management. The discussions allowed the maturation of projects that I already had in mind, and that probably would have come out in a different format if I had not participated in the course. The interaction with the people from SEMA and the NGOs was also very enriching, as well as with my colleagues from IBAMA, with whom I probably would not have had the opportunity to interact so much. The possibility of forming a network is very encouraging. Congratulations to everyone”.
Statement from a student of the UC Management Course held in Porto Velho
“It is certainly an initiative that deserves great congratulations. The course is very important for the training and updating of the managers of the units in the Amazon and, even more, for the formation of a communication network between the CUs of the states. Surely such an initiative is taking a big step towards improving the conservation of the Conservation Units in the Amazon”.
Statement from a student of the Ecological History of Brazil Course
“I am delighted with Ipê! I took the history course last week with Padua. As soon as I arrived in Atibaia, I was very well received by Eduardo, a real sweetheart. The project is very cool, pertinent and encouraging. Ivete, the kitchen girls, everyone was very attentive. Congratulations on the organization! José Augusto’s classes opened my eyes and I started to understand better the ecological, social and economic functioning of this country. He is very thoughtful and, in fact, an optimist. Which I found wonderful. I still have a lot to study but this was certainly my first step.
Student of the course on Geographic Information System applied to Conservation Biology
“The organization of the course, as well as the instructors, are to be congratulated. The course is very consistent and broad. The methodology was adequate with the purposes.
Geographic Information Systems Course Student Statement
“I thank IPÊ and its employees for the happiness and attention given during these days of course. Thank you for sharing a wonderful philosophy that makes us more human and aware of our mission on earth. I hope to come back very soon, because I felt very well here and enjoyed a wonderful place, learning. I wish that this “IPÊ” expands its horizons more and more and touches a large part of humanity, awakening the true essence of the human being.
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
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Copyright © Ipê – Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas.
Email: ipe@ipe.org.br