Onde Estamos
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
The agroforestry nurseries produce seedlings of Atlantic Forest species that are used by the settlers on their properties. Besides this, they are a source of income for families and of knowledge for students in Pontal do Paranapanema.
Community Nurseries
With the community nurseries, rural settlers produce seedlings of forest species for use on their properties and for sale. The project helps agrarian reform settlers plan their properties, emphasizing agroforestry and silvopastoral practices, encouraging the creation of agroforestry forests on their properties, forming forest islands of biodiversity that serve as “ecological stepping stones” or wildlife refuges.
The creation of community nurseries is a very useful tool for integrating and training settler families in agroforestry techniques, which make better use of properties and conserve the environment at a lower cost. IPÊ periodically provides Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) to the nurseries, supplying some basic inputs for their continuity, such as substrate and seeds, but mainly helping the farmer to develop his knowledge.
There are currently 11 community nurseries, which benefit from producing an average of 400,000 forest seedlings every year.
Nursery School
The “school nursery” was created through a partnership between IPÊ and COCAMP/MST. Located in the COCAMP/MST industrial park, the nursery has an average annual production of 150,000 seedlings. Seedlings of native species such as Guaritá (Astronium graveolen), Peroba Rosa (Aspidosperma polyneuron), Pau Marfim (Balfourodendron riedelianum), Pink Cedar (Cedrela fissillis), Copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii); wild fruit species such as cashew (Anacardium occidentale), Jaca (Artocarpus heterophylus), Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora), Araça(Psidium araça), as well as exotic species of commercial interest such as Teak(Tectonia grandis),Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) andAcacia (Acacia manjium).
One of the aims of this nursery is not only to produce forest seedlings for IPÊ and COCAMP/MST projects, but also to train local students (agricultural technicians and environmental technicians) in a new career path.
Os viveiros agroflorestais são parte de uma estratégia de conservação elaborada pelo IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas e seus parceiros, com o objetivo de restaurar a paisagem fragmentada do Pontal do Paranapanema.
São importantes produtores de mudas florestais utilizadas pelos projetos agroflorestais de restauração de habitat, como os projetos Abraço Verde, Corredores Agroflorestais, Café com Floresta, entre outros.
Os viveiros também são importantes centros de capacitação, onde as famílias de assentados da reforma agrária que integram os grupos dos viveiros recebem constante assistência técnica por meio da ATER agroecológica feita pelos pesquisadores do IPÊ.
Outro aspecto relevante é a capacitação oferecida pelo "viveiro escola" a estudantes de colégios técnicos da região, através de um programa de estágio.
É importante ressaltar a geração de renda direta e indireta às famílias assentadas da reforma agrária através da venda de mudas florestais.
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: (11) 3590-0041
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Email: ipe@ipe.org.br